Barbara J Crane

I am a Certified Life Coach, business woman, yogi, and swim instructor! I have an open and loving appreciation of life and specialize in coaching men.

Managing our minds comes from revealing thought patterns and beliefs so we can discover what’s standing in the way of achieving everything we desire. Through one-on-one coaching, you’ll learn to let go of expectations, frustration and resentment and discover a new way of thinking, feeling and acting.

See what people are saying about coaching with me here.

More about me….

I was born in New York to Catholic parents as the second-to-the-youngest of 7. We moved to what was just becoming California’s Silicone Valley when I started 2nd grade. Having attended 12 years of Catholic school, my base of Christianity is now beautifully woven with practicing Buddhism, yoga and self-coaching. Everyday I am amazed how these practices compliment one another and have proof that the universe conspires in our favor, if we allow it.

At 19, I left San Francisco with my boyfriend and spent a year sailing from the bay area to the U.S. Virgin Islands. I held a variety of water related jobs in snorkeling, scuba diving , sailing, and swimming while finishing my degree in Business Management at the University of the Virgin Islands. My first business was created with island partners opening stores selling luxury leather goods. Several years later, I switched careers to corporate management and logistics in the Fine jewelry and watch profession. Advancing to an executive position, I enjoyed 30+ years in this trade which I continue to do part-time today. I am so grateful that. these careers required world travel including many destinations in the U.S., Europe, Mexico, Asia and the Caribbean.

I married my first husband, who is Dutch, after meeting in a sailing regatta. Faithful, kind and supportive, we made three beautiful children together. I pursued my career and he was the stay-at-home dad taking care of the house and children. It felt like a great partnership. I was checking all the boxes…career, husband, children. I remember thinking “I should be happy” but I wasn’t and I didn’t know why.

I started looking on the outside for fulfillment and happiness which was destructive to my marriage. After 17 years, we divorced. It was a rough road in the beginning full of guilt, shame, sadness, fear, and uncertainty.  There were also glimpses of clarity, spiritual light, self-forgiveness and love.  That was over 13 years ago and the start of my serious journey into personal development and accountability. In 2020 I married my long time partner and alongside the ups and downs of life, have created a relationship full of love, acceptance, and curiosity. We share our time between Florida and Grand Bahama. 

I truly believe life is a journey to be rejoiced in every day.  We get to experience every emotion, both positive and negative.  I imagine that allowing ourselves to process all our emotions is a gift that leads to a fuller, richer life and helps us become the next best version of ourselves. Knowing we inherently possess everything we need to accomplish our goals and a happy life, all we have to do is explore and discover! 

Qualification and Experience:

Life Coach Certification – The Life Coach School

The Living Course (TLC)-Advanced Personal Development Course and student Assistant for 5 years, Intentional Living Course – Living your Life with Purpose and Vision, Healing Waters Forgiveness Course, Redirecting Children’s Behavior Course, Soul Mate Couples Course

AA Degree Business Management

GIA Diamond Grading Certification

Certified American Red Cross Swim Instructor

Certified Kripalu Yoga Teacher

What People Are Saying

“Being led to Barbara was truly divine intervention and alchemy that I will forever more be grateful of receiving. Our first session was surprisingly intuitive, and I thought, how could she know and understand so much about me in such a brief time? Barbara has wisdom and foresight of someone well beyond her years; with an instinct to help guide you through change, challenges, and balance. It is not a piece of cake. She will have you face your challenges with kindness, understanding, and patience and goes out of her way to support you.”

— Edye

“During these past few months speaking with Barbara has helped me learn and understand more about myself than I thought possible. Barbara is very easy to talk to and made me feel comfortable. She is teaching me (it's an ongoing process, and for some of us “old dogs” it is a lifetime of learning) the most valuable piece of information – that I am in control of my life,
everything is my decision and my choice. To regain a sense of empowerment during these times of turmoil is everything.” 

— Eric P.

“Working with Barbara was a very wonderful experience. I was going through a hard time due to my relationship with my daughter and she helped me cope with my feelings and I was able to find peace through all her support. Thank you Barbara!”

— Wendy

“The program, To Stay Or Leave, was excellent. It helped me develop confidence I did not have. It actually made me stronger inside without changing a single thing in my relationship or my family situation. Internally, I have a power I did not have. I smile to myself sometimes now over things that would have defeated me before. This program is not an ultimatum about leaving or staying. One or the other will be chosen eventually, it is the power within to make that decision and be in control of the outcome.”

— Christine

“I was introduced to Barbara through a friend of mine. I would highly recommend her for life coaching. She is very skilled at what she does and truly cares about her clients. I appreciate her deep, guiding questions and kind nature. I gain so much from our sessions and would encourage you to sign up to work with her. It will change your life.”

— Elisa

 “During the course of “should I stay or should I go”, I was able to find my voice in an unhealthy relationship where I had completely lost it. Not only did I find my voice, but I learned to effectively relay it in a thoughtful and loving fashion. This truly spilled into all aspects of my life. Barb is caring, kind, thoughtful & fun! Life is good & I am now in a very happy & healthy relationship!”

— Jen

“I could not have asked for a warmer, gentler or more personable coach than Barbara Crane - and with her, you get to the point quickly! After years of therapy, I was able to share all the hidden stuff that'd I been dragging around for years, knowing that I could trust her not to be shocked or judgemental. And key for me was her recognition of some of my behaviors and habits that were detrimental to my relationship with my husband.  With her coaching me to consider different outcomes and perspectives, and practice more productive responses when triggered,  I am learning to stop lashing out and blaming  my partner, and evaluate my own role in creating a marriage that has not been happy or healthy for some time. While I realize that I still have work to do, I can honestly say that I am - for the first time in many years - hopeful about our relationship.”


Contact me

6 week, 3 month or 6 months coaching commitment after initial complimentary session.