Just 3 Sentences Everyday

Write 3 Sentences Everyday to boost your Productivity and Happiness

I was reading a great article in Inc. by Jessica Stillman and was inspired to adapt it to share with you. We all have time to write 3 sentences a day, right? If you can do this every day, I guarantee it will boost your productivity and happiness.

1. "I will focus on ... "

Write down a single priority for each day at a time when you feel overwhelmed by your to-do list. This will give you clarity about your priorities and will shrink huge, overwhelming projects down to doable next-steps. Breaking large to-do lists into bite-size pieces is a surprisingly simple cure for anxiety-induced procrastination. As an example cutting terrifying to-do's like "Write a Business Plan" into non-threatening action steps like "Write your Company Mission Statement." That relieves you of the paralysis of imagining the long path to your final goal and reminds you that today you just need to put one foot in front of the other. 

2. "I am grateful for ... "

The human brain is exquisitely tuned by millions of years of evolution to threats. Worrying kept us alive when we were potential lion dinner, but the legacy of that vigilance is a hair-trigger sensitivity to anything negative (even imagined negativity). 

Science is very clear on the antidote to this tendency – gratitude. Just like going to the gym builds your muscles, nudging yourself to notice the positive trains your brain to get better at optimism and serenity. And no sweat is required for this mental health workout. You just have to complete this sentence every day.  Be specific with your sentence.  Things like “My dogs fur feels so soft today as I stroke him” or “The sunset tonight is full of magical, sherbet colors that are changing by the minute” of “The organic strawberries at the store today are beautiful, rich red, and fragrant”.

3. "I will let go of ... "

Breaking down your to-do list is one proven way to beat anxiety and procrastination. Being nice to yourself is another. Counterintuitively, studies find that the more we forgive ourselves our lapses and failings, the more likely we are to move forward with positive action. Science also shows that being open about your flaws doesn't just make you happier and more productive. It can also make you a stronger, more creative, and even a more competent-seeming leader.

So, stop beating yourself up for inevitable human mistakes. Forgive yourself one minor screwup every day. Beating yourself up is a waste of time, and self-kindness is the foundation of kindness to others.

Completing these three sentences should take you two minutes, tops, each day. For that tiny investment in time you can reap a healthy harvest of improved mental well-being and performance.




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