How to Practice Self Love and Worthiness

I hear a lot about self-love and worthiness.  The kind of self-love I am talking about today is not the kind where you have a manicure, a massage or a nap (although these are awesome too!).  It is that deep down love for yourself.  Completely as you are at this very moment.  100% worthy and 100% lovable.

 You might ask “How do I just love the heck out of myself?” You want to love yourself but the critic keeps showing up. You may not even recognize how you bully yourself with thoughts like “you shouldn’t…., you’re so stupid, that’s disgusting, your thighs are ugly, why did you do that, look at all that cellulite, you’ll never get this, you’re so fat, you’re so slow etc…”.

 What are your thoughts about you?  Notice them.  Are they kind and loving?

 If not, think of someone that you love unconditionally.  A baby, a child, a toddler, a pet.  You just love them no matter what.  Chances are you don’t say unkind things to them like you do to yourself. Work on bringing up that emotion of unconditional love like you have for others for yourself.

 Now, do something that may feel uncomfortable.

 Take a deep breath.

Look deep into your own eyes and tell yourself how much you love yourself (you may not be able to look at yourself.  Notice if you are avoiding).

Get curious.

Practice looking at yourself.  Say to yourself “I love You.  Thank you for not giving up. Thank you for trying so hard. Thank you for showing up.  Thank you for doing uncomfortable things day after day for the sake of growth. I love you”

Give yourself a hug.

It gets easier and more believable everyday.



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