Soul Seeking- A’s to B’s Connection Exercises

I want to share with you 2 amazing exercises to experience with your partner that will help you gain greater connection to one another.  When we want to see deeply into the heart and mind of another person, soul gazing, allows us to see their soul.

The soul is the purest expression of a person.  It is not bound by physical forms or fleeting emotions. By looking deeply into your partner’s eyes, soul seeing can show you an inner beauty that otherwise might be missed or has been lost. Soul seeing is a way of looking past shapes, sizes, attitudes, and behavior to see the real person that lies beneath the surface. It allows you to see the true essence of the other person, the radiance of their being, and their spirit within.

Exercise 1
Sit face to face with your partner about 12”-18” apart.  Join hands.  Stare softly into each other’s eyes without stopping to look away.  Try not to look for anything in particular or seek traits you’re hoping to find. Simply gaze into their eyes and let the other person’s inner being reveal itself to you. If you feel yourself wanting to glance away, bring yourself back to looking deeply into your partners eyes.  Stay holding hands and gazing for about 4 minutes.  It may be helpful to play a favorite, romantic song that is about that same length of time- sharing airpods or earphones.  When the time is up, give each other a hug.  You may have seen your partner’s inner nature as clearly as a bright day, or you may need to spend time thinking about your experience. Either way, I’m sure you will find this soul gazing a wonderfully intimate and shared experience. 

Exercise 2- A’s to B’s

Stand face to face and join hands.  You are A and your partner is B.  As A, begin to stare deeply into your partner’s eyes using your mind to fill them up with love from the top of their head to their toes.  Do not stop looking into their eyes as you do nothing but send love to their inner being.  They are the receiver and just allow your love to come in. They are not returning it at this time.  Just soaking it up.  After 1-2 minutes, blink, refocus and switch.  Now your partner, B, does the filling up of love and you do nothing but receive and allow the love to come in.  Keep your eyes engaged at all times, looking deeply into your partner.

The thoughts, fears, desires, and longings that are part of what makes us whole are not always written across our faces. Often, the most surprising thing you may learn while soul gazing is that while you and the other person may appear on the surface to be quite different, you actually share many of the same inner qualities. And then there is the unique beauty that resides within that is longing to be revealed to another who is willing to see. Soul seeing can help you experience your partner as they truly are, beyond any mental barriers, physical limitations or emotional blocks.  




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