Spring is Here- Let’s Clear the Clutter

Clutter can show up in our lives in so many different ways.  There can be physical clutter, relationship clutter, mind clutter or even body clutter.  It’s spring, so today I want to share 3 steps to clear your clutter.

 1)    Empty the container completely.  If it is a physical closet or drawer, take everything out.  Thought clutter?  Empty all the thoughts in your head onto a piece of paper.  Relationship clutter?  Download your social media friends or make a list of your physical friends.  Body Clutter? Do a cleanse.  Whatever the clutter is in your life, you want to put it to the side so that you can do the next steps.

 2)    Ask yourself these questions-

  • Do I use this? Is the thing, thought, friendship, or extra weight useful and serving you?

  • Do I love this and still want it? Does the thing, thought, friend, or food creating the results you want in your life today like usefulness, positivity, connection or a healthy body?  Or are you saving it in case you “might need it later”.

  • Is it outdated? We change. You may have bought the thing long ago but wouldn’t buy it today.  It no longer fits.  The thought is a belief from your past that you no longer want to carry around. You and the friend grew apart and no longer have the same interests. It’s junk food and you no longer want to put in your body.

 3)    Make your decision and stick with it.  Throw it away, give it away, or use it (engage with it or put it in a place where you can access it easily).

Getting started with step one can bring up feelings of overwhelm or procrastination.  What I do is tell myself “I can do anything for 15 minutes”. I may not feel motivated, but I am going to allow the feeling and do it anyway.

Sometimes an object is connected with a childhood memory or loved one.  Remember, the object is not the memory or the person, it is your thought about the event or person that brings up the feeling of love or connection.  If you don’t use it, but still aren’t ready to totally let it go, take a picture of it.

Maybe you’re holding onto a friendship that no longer feels connected.  You’re trying hard to make it into something by calling, texting, or posting but never getting the response you hoped for.  Or it could be the opposite.  Someone is always wanting to get together with you and you feel a sense of obligation.  Both of these scenarios take up time and energy.  What could you be doing if your mind wasn’t churning with thoughts on this?  Start with loving and honoring yourself and let the other person just be who they are.

If it is food clutter, I get that too.  Extra storage on my body was mostly because I didn’t want to “waste” food.  It came from a sense of scarcity, not having enough, or wanting to make sure I got my share. My parents were hoarders.  They saved everything from McDonalds ketchup packets to paper napkins from restaurants, Styrofoam packaging, magazines, and rotten food.  Why? Because we might need it later. By changing my thought to “I have everything I need” and consciously choosing to put good things in my body, I cleared some of the clutter in both my head and my body.

It is so freeing and peaceful to be left with what you use and love.  Giving unused items to a charity feels wonderful and helps someone else.  Having meaningful relationships and engaging with people you love is amazing.  Being able to open a drawer or closet and pull out exactly what you want is so useful.  Letting go of unhealthy clutter on your body lightens how you move through life.  And most of all, clearing our brains from over thinking makes room for creativity and conscious living.

It’s Spring – Are you ready to Clear the Clutter?


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