Words Are Incredibly Powerful

This post is Inspired by my friend and coach Carol Elizabeth

Even the seemingly innocuous phrases we use daily can diminish our personal power and our opportunity to create success.

If you've ever said:  

"that's just who I am"

"I'm always late."

"I'm too shy to speak up"


"I don't know. What do you think?"

You've been unknowingly giving someone else the power over your choices..your happiness.. and your success. 

And If you've identified yourself in any of the above examples, TRUST ME, you're in good company!

The first step to taking back your power is awareness. 

Listen closely to the things that you say daily. Those phrases and descriptors that you've said so many times that you barely notice saying OR thinking them.

The second step is to practice making small, low cost decisions every day. 

The goal here is to get comfy with speaking your mind, in a super safe way.

Next time, and honestly, every time someone asks you where you want to go for lunch, make a choice instead of saying  "I don't care, Where do you wanna go? "

Practice choosing even if you really don't have a preference. 

Make this an opportunity to make a decision, And to make it quickly.

Step number three is to stop complaining.

Nothing takes away your power faster than a victim mentality. 

Decide that you're going to be in control of how you think, feel, and behave, regardless of the situation you find yourself in.

That's known as radical responsibility.

And when you take radical responsibility, for every situation in your life, that is when you take your power back, find your happiness,  and create success.

Decide that you are going to be in the driver's seat.

 No more riding shotgun. 

Yes, there will always be circumstances beyond your control or situations where you are victimized but you will always have a choice about what you make it mean about you and how you move forward.

I'm not going to lie, this practice can feel a little uncomfortable at first but I promise, it's totally worth it.


Are You Your Own Best Friend?


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