As The Crane Flies

Barbara Crane Barbara Crane

Relationship Coaching and Yoga Yamas

During my study of Yoga this week, I discovered a profound convergence of coaching and yoga. It began with my mentor asking if I had studied my yamas and niyamas.  They focus on moral guidelines and personal conduct, both outward and inward facing.  They help move us deeper into our authenticity, and support the leap toward a more meaningful life. The very same concepts practiced in my Relationship Life Coaching!

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Barbara Crane Barbara Crane

Not Doing It Right

Do you ever think that you know the right way to do something and that others don’t? This happens to me and it is so painful. I want them so badly to do it my way. Stepping back and noticing this made me curious. Why am I causing this feeling for myself and is there another way?

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Barbara Crane Barbara Crane

Don't dip; Dive in!

I love these words from one of my past TLC instructors, Mark Levisnky. It is right on par with my “Water Wisdom” posts I do on Instagram at Crane Coaching. Enjoy the Mark’s words and come follow me on IG for more “Water Wisdom”.

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Barbara Crane Barbara Crane

Stepping out of the Comfort Zone

The sea is flat clam today in Grand Bahama but my stomach is churning. I’m getting ready to step out of my comfort zone and the feeling is terrible. I’ve been practicing yoga for 20 years and decided I’d like to lead a class. I’m on my way to lead a class to my mentor and I am so nervous. So why am I doing it? I can see the other side and the eventual joy I will get from sharing my love of yoga with others. I know the price to pay for growth comes from getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.

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Barbara Crane Barbara Crane

Learning to Love our Bodies

As of last week, my body is now 60 years old.  I have lots of thoughts about that.  I’m learning to love my body just as it is.  Here’s how:

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Barbara Crane Barbara Crane

When you’ve been left.

Are you the one that was left behind in a relationship? Or did a circumstance change that you did not desire or was against your will? Read on for 5 ways to help you get through it.

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Barbara Crane Barbara Crane

What were you taught about Relationships?

Most of us struggle in our relationships because we were never taught how to be in one. We all had templates handed down to us as a child from family. What are your templates so you can change them for yourself and your children?

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Barbara Crane Barbara Crane

Ladder Thoughts

I was recently asked on a coaching call, “How can I stop thinking I’m not good enough?” If this is you, the good news is that you’re aware enough that you have a thought that you’re not good enough as opposed to you just believing you’re not good enough.

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Barbara Crane Barbara Crane


Have you ever wished that you had done things differently? Maybe you yelled at your partner, maybe you told a lie. Perhaps you had something you wanted to say but instead stayed quiet. We all have past regrets. It’s what we do with them now that matters. The way I see it, there are 3 options:

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Barbara Crane Barbara Crane

Living Into Future Self

It’s so easy to focus on the past, but if we do that, we stay stuck and don’t move forward to reach our desired goals. Living into our future self is a way of getting to our goals by already becoming that person.

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Barbara Crane Barbara Crane

Spring is Here- Let’s Clear the Clutter

Clutter can show up in our lives in so many different ways. There can be physical clutter, relationship clutter, mind clutter or even body clutter. It’s spring, so today I want to share 3 steps to clear your clutter.

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Barbara Crane Barbara Crane

Difficult Conversations

Most of us avoid difficult conversations out of fear for how the other person will react, having to state all our reasons why we are right or simply because we don’t like confrontation. Communication is very important in all relationships and yet most of us have no idea how to communicate without blame, frustration, defensiveness or justification. Here are 5 steps on how it’s possible to approach a “difficult” conversation with a guaranteed different outcome.

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Barbara Crane Barbara Crane

Relationship with a Chocolate Caramel Egg

Why did I eat so much chocolate? Why did I make myself sick? My sisters. Didn’t do this, so what was wrong with me? From this super young age, I was already judging myself. Nothing good came from the guilt.

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Barbara Crane Barbara Crane

Feeling Conflicted About Ending Your Relationship?

Ending a relationship is painful because you are/were physically and mentally close to another person.  So much of your inner self was shared with another human.  Maybe you’re remembering when you first met and fell totally in love.  Perhaps you had children, built a home, formed a business. You had many shared experiences, both good and bad and it is hard to let those go.

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Barbara Crane Barbara Crane

Can Relationships Be Toxic?

When you are in the presence of your partner or a family member, do you ever feel like they bring out the worst in you? That their energy, expressions or words are just toxic? You start not wanting to be around them and looking for reasons consciously or subconsciously why you can’t spend time with them. You’re not alone.

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Barbara Crane Barbara Crane

Same Furniture- Different Thoughts

It’s so interesting how a tiny shift can completely change the energy and feeling of a room. Why is that? Same furniture. Different thoughts about it. New Feelings.

Just like our brain.

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Barbara Crane Barbara Crane

Become The Watcher

There is a graceful stingray out in the canal today. It’s unaware of the beautiful water it’s swimming in similar to the way I am often unaware of the thoughts I am thinking. As humans, we can actually become more aware of our thoughts by developing the skill of being The Watcher. The stingray is not so lucky.

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Barbara Crane Barbara Crane

Surrender-Let Go of the Ball

Beliefs are such interesting things. I have a belief that I have to work hard. I am in this beautiful place in the Bahamas and yet am carrying a burden of “having to work hard”. Why?

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